Saturday 20 June 2015

Useful Tips weight lose

Its so hard for people to lose weight. Many peoples have overweight and they have struggle with exercise, diets and best thing to losing weight. Maybe you have thinking that, "i have dieting, exercising doing hard to lose weight but cant lose weight." Many people have same like that thinking but weight is not decreasing. What happened to my body why fat not becoming less? Then you have to look forward to your fat problem and really you need to learn more about weight lose or you have to read about best weight lose tips.

We found some reason why people cannot get rid of fat / weight.

Food is most important for our body but if we eat by wrong way then food effect our body in different style and we get fat / weight. For example if you go on the party and you found there tasty food or some thing and you eat to much it will be effect badly.
We have some tips about food to lose weight.

When you go out side for dinner or lunch don't eat to much just eat some light food because out side food full fill with fat. You can eat some vegetables food out side.
Try to eat home made food and cook vegetables.
If you like to eat out side the go once in a week or 2 to 3 times in a month.
Leave fast food and fried food.

Some people like to sleep more. If you sleep more and spacial after eat its can be effect your body. Must be sleep 7 to 8 hours and go on the bed early and don't sleep day time.  After dinner and before go to bed you have to some walk before sleeping it will help to lose weight.

Mobile, Games, TV
If you like to to play games, mobile and watching tv long time its effect to your body because your body not moving and fat increasing more in your body. For example after eat you sit front of tv long time then food will become fat or weight. Must be after eat you have walk and don't stay more time front of tv.
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